In 2008, a result of a misunderstanding SNMPTN information, dozens of participants of the National Selection State University Entrance exam the first day of absence following the SNMPTN. Those who are disappointed this question to the Secretariat of the Local Committee Bandung SNMPTN 2008, Thursday (3 / 7).

Participants who come to the Secretariat Panlok SNMPTN 2008 in Bandung, Bandung Institute of Technology Labtek V amounted to 16 people. Some accompanied their parents. They came rollicking, yesterday afternoon, after the exam tests the ability of the IPS. They are entirely a participant of the IPS line that har i did not take the test on Wednesday (2 / 7) because one perceives errata schedule.

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Ilham Maulana (17), participants who came all the way from Gunung Halu, Bandung regency, was disappointed with the exam schedule errata committee who judged incomplete. Because, in the correction was only written tests IPS Wednesday. "Only then was told the schedule matched with the manual. In fact, because the copies, I get error below it there is no need to match the writing manual," he complained.

Hendri Kusmayadi (19), participants from Pontianak, express, errata committee who has made it confusing. Therefore, only the written exam schedule at 10.30 on Thursday (3 / 7). He felt aggrieved over this incident. Because, will close his chance to pass SNMPTN 2008. "Moreover, this year they follow the national selection this PTN. We ask that the policy committee to follow-up tests," he said.

Confirmed separately, Chairman Panlok Bandung SNMPTN 2008 Adang Surahman asserted, authority and such supplementary exam on the central committee. Bandung Panlok will only deliver the minutes of this issue to the center.

He explained that these cases occur due to typographical errors in the exam schedule IPS group participants card. Meanwhile, printing of forms, cards of participants, test scripts and manual were all conducted in the central committee. "We include the revision. The revised it's just wrong," he said.

On the card the original participants (before revision), the written exam first and second day are equally at 07.30 pm. In fact, specifically the IPS, should test the second day was at 11.00. Typographical errors also occurred on 11 page guidebook.


Yet this year, the number of incoming PTN increases, namely Kuala University in Aceh, Jambi University, and the State Islamic University (UIN) Makassar. Chairman of the Committee of UMB-PTN 2009 Sucipto said the decline in capacity is much influenced by the absence of Hasanuddin University is the accommodation of this year.

"I do not remember the exact figures at UMB Unhas capacity last year, but big enough," said Sucipto in the press release in SMPB Nusantara Room, Saturday (6 / 6).

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Vice Rector for Academic UNJ Rafli Zainal also recognize that it also reduces the amount of capacity through UMB-PTN. This year, UNJ only provides 612 seats through UMB-PTN or declined about 20 percent of capacity last year.

"UNJ carrying capacity at UMB as a whole declined due to decreased capacity. We want to focus on improving quality," said Zainal to Kompas.com.

Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, University of Indonesia M Anis said that the capacity provided by the UI via the UMB-PTN 2009 only 850 seats. However, Anis said forget whether there was a decrease of capacity by the same route last year.

Meanwhile, the committee ensures that the number of seats provided by the University of North Sumatra to 2,000 seats. The ratio between the capacity and number of participants does not change, namely 1:9, due to decreased capacity through UMB-PTN followed by a decrease in the number of participants who register. This year, participants from the figure amounted to 74,544 people 98,426 people last year.


University of Indonesia opened an entry point for prospective freshmen anymore. By 56 percent of prospective new UI undergraduate students will be accepted through a pathway called the Selection of Entry Consider the University of Indonesia or the UI. Admission selection test conducted by the University of Indonesia itself is open for registration from 19 January 2009.

Moreover, the acceptance by the National Selection Entrance State University or SNM PTN about 5 percent, the Joint Entrance Examination by 5 percent, and the rest through Regional Cooperation and Industry, track and academic achievement. Each year, the UI receives about 5,000 new students a degree program.

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Rector of the University of Indonesia Gumilar Rusliwa Soemantri said on Tuesday (6 / 1), the universities will remain concerned with the quality and high standards in the selection process, rather than financial ability. Tuition will be adjusted to the direction you take and the economic ability of students. "There is also a scholarship," he said.

Consider the revenue model through the UI that is integrated into the UI selection test was applied for admission in all educational programs that exist in the UI. For S1, online registration and open from 19 January to 19 February 2009, while the selection test was held on March 1, 2009. There are local committees in 40 cities across Indonesia, which can help participants who want to register. Especially for areas that are still difficulties accessing the internet. Information regarding the acceptance of new models that can be accessed via http://penerimaan.ui.ac.id.


SNMPTN born out of criticism of PTN about financial management in the selection process of new admissions (SNCA) in the last two years. After going through a long discussion, 57 agreed to hold SNMPTN PTN with a transparent financial management system.

UMB is entered with a written test to five PTN, namely UI, UNJ, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Medan USU, and Hasanuddin University in Makassar.

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These days will be as oppressive for those who want to seek higher education.

"Now more and more how to register with the PTN, but it must find its own information or ask the school. But, what makes us dizzy, PTN is now beginning commercial, "said Arif.

"I just hang up the results from UMB and SNMPTN this, hopefully I stay out SNMPTN baseball," said Kartini Barrel.

Each system has a capacity of recruitment is different. GMU, for example, received 30 percent of new students from the search path seeds, 65 percent through the written test, and 5 percent of the remainder through the SNMPTN.

UNJ open lines of search revenue interests and abilities (PMDK) with a quota of 10 percent, UMB 30-35 percent, and the rest SNMPTN.

Actually if you go PTN first target for any reason, such as low fees, you must have a strategy. For example, installing the first choice with major prestigious (high passing grade) and second choice for the department which is roughly enthusiasts quiet (low passing grade.)

Therefore, ask your teacher or guidance counselor in learning to know the passing grade for each course of study. Know your capacity before, just adjust to the passing grade for each course of study.

Indeed, many ways to get in the PTN. To be able to enter PTN kemungkinanmu higher, you do have to hold information on procedures for incoming PTN, which have various lane entrance that way.

Enter a variety of ordinances that also apply to the diploma program. Please remember, every college has a procedure that was different entrance.

To obtain various information, most easily via the website PTN desired.


In 2008, a result of a misunderstanding SNMPTN information, dozens of participants of the National Selection State University Entrance exam the first day of absence following the SNMPTN. Those who are disappointed this question to the Secretariat of the Local Committee Bandung SNMPTN 2008, Thursday (3 / 7).

Participants who come to the Secretariat Panlok SNMPTN 2008 in Bandung, Bandung Institute of Technology Labtek V amounted to 16 people. Some accompanied their parents. They came rollicking, yesterday afternoon, after the exam tests the ability of the IPS. They are entirely a participant of the IPS line that har i did not take the test on Wednesday (2 / 7) because one perceives errata schedule.

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Science Math

Package 1
Package 2
Package 3
Package 4
Package 5
Package 6
Solutions of Package 1
Solutions of Package 2
Solutions of Package 3

Ilham Maulana (17), participants who came all the way from Gunung Halu, Bandung regency, was disappointed with the exam schedule errata committee who judged incomplete. Because, in the correction was only written tests IPS Wednesday. "Only then was told the schedule matched with the manual. In fact, because the copies, I get error below it there is no need to match the writing manual," he complained.

Hendri Kusmayadi (19), participants from Pontianak, express, errata committee who has made it confusing. Therefore, only the written exam schedule at 10.30 on Thursday (3 / 7). He felt aggrieved over this incident. Because, will close his chance to pass SNMPTN 2008. "Moreover, this year they follow the national selection this PTN. We ask that the policy committee to follow-up tests," he said.

Confirmed separately, Chairman Panlok Bandung SNMPTN 2008 Adang Surahman asserted, authority and such supplementary exam on the central committee. Bandung Panlok will only deliver the minutes of this issue to the center.

He explained that these cases occur due to typographical errors in the exam schedule IPS group participants card. Meanwhile, printing of forms, cards of participants, test scripts and manual were all conducted in the central committee. "We include the revision. The revised it's just wrong," he said.

On the card the original participants (before revision), the written exam first and second day are equally at 07.30 pm. In fact, specifically the IPS, should test the second day was at 11.00. Typographical errors also occurred on 11 page guidebook.


Indonesian Education University Entrance Examination (UM-UPI) aims to obtain prospective students excel by giving opportunities to the community more broadly to become students, and contribute in improving the quality of education in the UPI.

Education University of Indonesia was established on October 20, 1954 in Bandung, was inaugurated by the Minister of Education Teaching Mr. Muhammad Yamin. Originally called the Higher Education Teacher Education (PTPG), was established with the background history of the growth of the nation, who realize that efforts to educate and educate the nation is an important part in the independence. Some reasons for the establishment of PTPG among others:

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First, after Indonesia achieved independence, the Indonesian people are very hungry for education. Second, the need for qualified teachers prepared and university level to improve the quality of education that will pioneer the establishment of a prosperous society.

UPI main building debris originated from a villa called Villa Isola, is a relic of a former era before World War II. (In the struggle against the occupiers, the building was once used as headquarters of the freedom fighters). Debris was rebuilt and later transformed into a building called Earth Siliwangi magnificent architectural style of the original.

It was here for the first time the boys got gemblengan teacher education at university level, as the realization of the Decree of the Minister of Education Teaching and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (No. 35 742 dated 1 September 1954 regarding the establishment PTPG / High school Teacher Education).


Based on Government Regulation no. 66 years of 2010 and Regulation of Minister no. 34 of 2010 concerning the pattern of acceptance of new student program (S1) to college, then to new admissions process S1 Undip in 2011 will be arranged through a national selection and selection of local / independent.

Selection paths into programs Diponegoro University Strata 1 (S1) for the year 2011 are as follows:

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  2. Download Question Paket 2

a. Selection By Local / Independent

1. Line PSSB (Potential Student Selection Program) Tier 1 partnership program. Potential Student Selection Program (PSSB) Partnership is one of the selection of incoming students to the University of Diponegoro without the written exam. Aside from the Gaza SNMPTN Invitation, PSSB partnership will still be held but time after SNMPTN. S1 PSSB Undip Partnership is a new candidate selection program conducted basing interest, academic potential, and potential cooperation for development UNDIP donations in the form of participation. Interests and academic potential of prospective students in the selection PSSB-Partnership is seen from the academic reputation of the prospective student during his education at the high school indicated by the value of report cards and other awards earned by the achievement of certain accomplishments. Interest in prospective students to enter one of the courses of study at UNDIP will also be considered with the capacity and level of competition among applicants. Consideration of potential co-operation will mainly be focused on the willingness of donors / sponsors or prospective parents of students in participating to contribute to the development of Diponegoro. Thus, PSSB PARTNERSHIP is a new student selection process is based on two aspects, namely the academic potential and interest of prospective students, and aspects of participation in the development of the university.
2. Line UM (Self Test) is an independent selection lines through a written test to participate in educational programs in Undip S1. Registration will begin May 2 to June 24. Further information can be accessed at: http://um.undip.ac.id

b. Selection Nationally

1. SNMPTN (National Selection Entrance State University) Path Invitation Based Penjaringan Academic Achievement. Registration opened on 1 February - 12 March 2011. Registration and information can be accessed on the web: www.snmptn.ac.id
2. SNMPTN (National Selection Entrance State University) point written examination and / or skills. Registration opened on May 2 to 24 2011. Registration and information can be accessed www.snmptn.ac.id.
3. Line Scholarship Shoot Mission. Elucidation of the complete registration mechanism can be accessed at http://bidikmisi.dikti.go.id/portal. Year 2011 has a quota of 225 people Undip students who will receive scholarships Shutter Mission

For selection into the Diploma program in 2011 Undip all done locally / independently through selected channels as follows:

1. Line PSSB (Potential Student Selection Program) Academic Diploma III program. Selection has been open from 3 January 2011 to February 28, 2011 online. Full details can be read on the menu PSSB D3 in this web site.
2. Line UM D-III (Self Examination Diploma III) is the point of selection through a written test for entry into the diploma program Undip III. Registration will open around July-August 2011. Registration will be done online at the web site: http://um.undip.ac.id


Registration for New Students follow the Joint Selection Telkom (Telkom SMBB) 2011/2012 Academic Year in Higher Education under the Education Foundation of Telkom

* Institut Teknologi Telkom (IT Telkom)
* Telkom Institute of Management (IM Telkom)
* Polytechnic Telkom (Politel)
* High School of Art and Design Indonesia Telkom (Telkom Stisi)
* Telkom Professional Development Center (PDC Telkom)

There are 2 (two) methods you can follow to enter into a new student, Academic Year 2011/2012 are:

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  1. Download Question

1) DCBT (Daily Computer Based Test) and
2) OPBT (Offline Paper Based Test)

DCBT method is only implemented in Bandung (DCBT test locations on campus IM Telkom, Telkom Polytechnic, STISI Telkom and Telkom PDC). DCBT method lets you know the outcome of graduation in realtime, after you finish the test. How to follow DCBT:

1) You go to the location of the test by paying a registration fee of Rp. 300,000 (three hundred thousand dollars) at the test location
2) You are welcome to fill in biographical data directly in the test, and then you take the test DCBT

Method DCBT will be open from early November 2010 and you can follow DCBT more than once, but each of you follow DCBT have to pay again.

The path is held on the method OPBT Exam Writing (UTG UTG 1 and 2), the entrance exam (USM USM 1 and 2), Line Search Academic Potential (JPPA Superior, National JPPA, and JPPA OSN)


Universitas Indonesia (UI) back to open opportunities to students all over Indonesia to study at UI through Entrance Selection, University of Indonesia (See UI) 2011. Consider the UI is a selection test that is integrated into the UI of education Vokasi/D3 to Doctoral education.

"This is not an independent line with the cost of expensive because it has been determined through a just education costs," said Head of Communications Office of the UI Vishnu Juwono to Kompas.com on Thursday (30/12/2010).

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Vishnu explained, the cost of education for the S-1 Regular students who netted through the same UI Consider students accepted through a national selection or SNMPTN and AEOS (Equal Opportunities Learning Program).

Consider The UI 2011 will be held simultaneously on July 3, 2011 in several major cities in Indonesia. Registration permanent selection is done online via the page http://penerimaan.ui.ac.id. Prospective students can choose a minimum of two courses of study to pay Rp 200,000.

"The announcement of the selection was held on July 24, 2010,"said Vishnu.

The concept of new admissions at the University of Indonesia are:

1. Integration

Selection is centralized with a consistent standard operating procedures.

2. Excellence

Selection of candidates who are able to capture that is ready to grow together with leading the University of Indonesia, and in line with international standards and practices.

3. Enterprising

Implementation of an efficient selection based on cost recovery.

Education Program in the Univ. Indonesia is:

1. Vocational (D3)
2. S1 Regular
3. Parallel S1
4. International Class S1
5. S1 Extension
6. Master (S2)
7. Profession
8. Specialist
9. Doctoral (S3)

For students / graduates from high school, a pathway that can be used are:

1. Entrance Path Selection AEOS (Achievements and Equitable Learning Opportunities / PMDK) for S1 Regular Programme, the International Class S1 and vocational. Schools that qualify are invited to send its best students to follow the selection AEOS.
2. Entrance Path Selection SIMAK for S1 Program Regular, Parallel S1, S1 and vocational International Class (D3), a nationally implemented simultaneously in major cities in Indonesia. SIMAK not independent route, because the cost of education has been established according to the Rector's Decree (see BP). Special to Regular S1 available BOP Justice (education costs at least Rp 100.000/semester and Money Jetty NOL, depends on the ability of parents). With one test, high school students can choose max 8 in 4 Studies Program Education Program. Selection is planned to be conducted on July 3, 2011. Registration is done online in http://peneriman.ui.ac.id the planned date of 3 to 24 June 2011.
3. Entrance Path Selection SNMPTN consisting of lines of invitations and track test. More information about can be seen in http://snmptn.ac.id/ SNMPTN

For those who already have a diploma level Diploma / vocational

* Selection Entrance exams Line Extensions are planned to be August 7, 2011. While online registration is planned date http://penerimaan.ui.ac.id 4 to 29 July 2011.

For those who already have a diploma graduate level

1. Selection of the Graduate School Entrance (S2, S3, Specialist, and Professional) wave 1 (one) semester exams Odd planned for FY 2011/2012 is 17 April 2011. Register online at http://penerimaan.ui.ac.id planned date of 14 February to 1 April 2011.
2. Entrance Path Selection SIMAK, for Master Program (S2), Doctoral (S3), Specialist, and Professional nationally executed simultaneously in major cities in Indonesia. Exam to be held July 3, 2011. Registration is done online in http://peneriman.ui.ac.id the planned date of 3 to 24 June 2011.
3. Selection of the Graduate School Entrance (S2, S3, Specialist, Professional) Even semester exams planned for FY 2011/2012 of December 4, 2011. Register online at http://penerimaan.ui.ac.id planned date of 10 October to 25 November 2011.



University of Islam (UIN) Alauddin Makassar, no longer come with P-SNCA Nusantara in the selection of new admissions Joint Entrance Examination lane State University (UMB-PTN) this year.
This was said by the administration bureau chief academic and student affairs, Drs HM Yusuf Rahim MPd. "This year, UIN Alauddin no longer follow the path UMB PTN Maba acceptance," he said recently at the Campus II UIN, Samata, Gowa.

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It is said, not participation UIN Alauddin at UMB PTN as in the previous two years.
Joseph, said that UMB PTN exercise along with two tracks namely acceptance of Maba National Selection Entrance State University (SNMPTN) together with state universities in Indonesia and Selection College Admissions Islamic State Islamic Religious Affairs (SPBM-PTAIN) under the Ministry of Religious Affairs .
"Because the track along with the track selection and reception SNMPTN SMPTN-PTAIN, then the UIN Alauddin decided not to participate in the path PTN UMB this year, because he wanted to focus Maba acceptance through SNMPTN and SNCA-PTAIN," he said.
Joseph added that the current focus UIN through SMPTN Maba acceptance and receipt of Maba PTAIN UML path. "So the quota previously provided to UMB path PTN, will be transferred to the SNCA-PTAIN and UML" added Joseph.
He said, with, cancellation UIN Alauddin following the path of new revenue channels UMB, means this year, UIN only accept Maba through six lanes of PMJK, SNMPTN, SNCA-PTAIN, UML, MSEs and reception path Scholarship Shoot Mission.


Admission form through a national selection into public universities is expected to facilitate students' invitation to register at the community college choice. However, only the good students who could meet the criteria to register this point.

Thus expressed teachers' guidance and counseling (BK) RSBI SMAN 12 Jakarta Utara, Dwi Daryani, to Kompas.com, Monday (14/02/2011). He said that so far the selection of the national college entrance track invitations to 2011 (SNMPTN invitation 2011) assessed to be profitable, both for schools and students and parents.

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"For parents certainly beneficial because if it had, when still with independent channels, there is the cost incurred. While overall it's been paid," said Dwi.

In terms of academics, the magnitude of the portion of the invitation was profitable lines of students, especially for students whose achievement is always good in school. With an average quota of 60 percent, this path ultimately the most desirable students rather than write SNMPTN path.

"Indeed, many who choose the path invitation, but my school are selected first. We also see for yourself, IPB just give 70 percent quota, UI 65 percent. This means a greater chance invitation path to be chosen according to student achievement," said Dwi.

He said the invitation to join track, students should always be included in that class rank is calculated from the fifth semester. For that, said Dwi, currently being finalized phase entering student data.

"Later, tracked student achievement, ranging from a single semester. Only the entrance to 30 major classes that can come with an invitation lines," said Dwi.

As is known, SNMPTN invitation lines that used only for SMA / MA / SMK / MAK accredited A and B now also open to schools accredited C. However, the quota of students allowed to register via the invitation is determined based on school accreditation.

As for all students in schools with accreditation A type of accelerated classes can follow the path SNMPTN invitation. A school accredited by the type class RSBI / seed can transmit 75 percent of the best students at the school.


According to everyone who graduated Kemdiknas Ujian Nasional (UN) Package A, B or C have equal rights and equal eligibility to diploma holders SD / MI, SMP / MTs and SMA / MA / SMK. Thus, they will be more recognized in subsequent education.

Strictly speaking graduation status equality education program eligibility Package C has the right or the right to obtain the results and the opportunity to learn the same or equivalent formal education in entering employment or continue to pursue further education. Therefore, each institution was asked to comply with statutory provisions mentioned above.

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That, in order not indicated violate human rights. Because every citizen is entitled to obtain a decent education, so that all could get a chance to learn and work.

Law no. 20 of 2003 on National Education System adopted a multi entry-exit system. In Article 26, paragraph 3 states that educational equality is non-formal education program that carries out public education equivalent of SD / MI, SMP / MTS and senior high schools that includes proram Package A, B and C.

In Article 26, paragraph 6 seems to mention that the results of non-formal education can be appreciated comparable to a formal education program after going through the process of assessment of affirmative action by institutions designated by the government with reference to national education standards. Thus discriminate against participants of the National Examination Equality meruapakan a clear violation of human rights.


Remember that old Clint Eastwood film? While it was never clear who was best, worst or ugliest, if you apply that title to the debt game, there won't be many questions. Debt truly can be good, bad and ugly. The basic proposition is that someone borrows money from someone else. If it were only that simple. Next come questions about the rate of interest charged, the time, the terms, the security, and the ability to pay it back. It is the oldest financial game in recorded history, oft criticized in the Bible and the Qur'an.

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Recognizing that the great business school libraries in the world devote thousands of cubic feet of space to books on debt when we only have a couple of pages, let's take a look at debt, add some spice from the internet, and see if we can identify some helpful rules of engagement. Fasten your seat belts. Features Principal-this is the amount of money you are borrowing. It is here that fees can be added, such as for originating the loan (covering the costs of processing) and discounting the rate (buying down the rate to below the cost of the money born by the lender). It can also include interest if it is later determined that your rate is below the cost of the money to the credit issuer (sometimes called "negative amortization"). We'll cover more about these costs when we discuss something called "APR." Time-this is the time that you are allowed to owe the money. But again, wait. It can mean the time of the underlying note that can be different than the amount of time you have to pay it back. Sometimes loans can be based upon the traditional 30 years, but your obligation to pay the loan back might be something less.
Risk-The risk to the lender is directly converted to the rate of interest. The higher the risk, the higher the rate. Risk translates to comfort that the debt will be paid off. Comfort can come from the borrower's contribution of cash to the deal, often called equity. It also comes from the terms of the deal that can include a security interest in the thing that is being purchased, such as a mortgage that ties the loan to the purchase of real estate or a UCC filing that ties the debt to the purchase of a thing, like a car, truck or refrigerator. If the debt accrues through a credit card purchase, there is often no security other than the confidence that the borrower will pay it off. In each one of these scenarios, the risk is significantly influenced by the borrower's credit score.
There are three basic scores, one each from Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. Mortgage lenders usually use the middle score for their lending. A good score is 700+. A middle score is 660 to 700 or so. Ugly? Interest-This is the rate of interest applied to the principal over time. But yet again, wait. Is it simple interest or compound interest? Simple interest is that rate applied to the principal. Period. A rate of say 8% on a debt of $1,000 creates an interest obligation of $80 after one year. Compounding however involves the application of the rate of interest on the unpaid interest obligation on top of the principal. For example, a monthly compounded interest adds the accumulated interest to the principal each month. Compounded daily? Each day's interest is added to the obligation. Read the fine print on your obligation, often found in small print on the back of the documents! Rate basics-Here's where you go to find today's rates (WARNING-these rates can be somewhat distorted by the reporting lenders so rely upon them at your peril): Prime Rate Navy Marine Corps Relief APR-This deserves special attention. It is the Annual Percentage Rate applied to the loan. It includes the rate of interest, of course, and the fees added to the deal such as origination, discount, and any other junk fees that can be lobbed into the deal. In the Truth in Lending Act, Federal law committed lenders to announce the APR in all of their loans, almost-there are some fees that don't count such as legal fees and other charges from third parties. It is also not impossible that a great deal has an APR significantly higher than the underlying interest rate. For example, you can "buy the rate" on a loan with the discount points significantly boosting the APR.
The key is the break even point where the discount points are "purchased" by the rate that can be significantly below market rates. Let the math drive your bus-take the payments, all of them, and stretch them out through the last month of payment. Compare the answers to all choices you are reviewing and let the math dictate the selection. Debt to Income-Lenders don't stop at credit scores, security, and cash into the deal (equity). They also want to know about your ability to pay off the debt. If you have a sterling credit score, and you put plenty of cash into the deal, they will still want to know if you can cover the monthly payment. For this measure, the lender will examine your credit report to see what trade lines are demanding monthly payments. They call this the Debt to Income ratio. Note that a Trade Line is one that reports your monthly payments to the credit bureaus, such as credit cards, car loans, and mortgages. What is not reported as a trade line is your rent, medical bill, electricity, phones, water and other utilities, unless you are guilty of missing enough payments to earn a dreaded "derogatory" on your credit report.
Acceptable Debt to Income ratios can be as high as 60% but normally hover around 45% to 50% and below. For example, if the value of the asset being purchased goes up, and the lender gives you a loan for 100% of the deal, your return on investment can be extremely high, maybe even infinite if there are no carrying costs. Note that if your asset increases in value more than the cost of the interest, you are coming out ahead by using debt. Navy Marine Corps Relief offers another genuinely "good" debt-the rate of interest is a user-friendly 0.00%. Honest. The loan has to be for any of the following: 1. Emergency Transportation, 2. Funeral Expenses, 3. Medical/dental Bills (patient's share), 4. Food, Rent, and Utilities, 5. Disaster Relief Assistance, 6. Child Care Expenses, 7. Essential Vehicle Repairs, or 8. Unforeseen Family Emergencies. Those cover the basics of life other than a house mortgage or the purchase of a vehicle. The Bad What happens if the value of the item you purchased with debt goes down, such as a house, car or pogey bait? The cost of the debt is added to the loss of value of the thing you bought. Another bad thing is when you find yourself buying the laundry with credit rather than your debit card (debit cards tap the cash in your checking account-no money, no laundry). This often leads to too much debt, higher rates, and lower credit scores. Debt is available for use, not abuse. The Ugly Debt can be truly ugly when it suffocates you financially.
We discussed pay day lending in "Greed is Good?" (MCG October, 2006). Another ugly dimension in debt is the use of automatic withdrawals where you give the lender your written blanket consent for them to pull cash out of your credit card or checking account without any further communication. The problem is this: what if the product or service they promised does not work for you as promised? Quite often you must cancel the account and move your business to another lender! It is a paperwork nightmare to disentangle yourself from this mess. Another "ugly" is a credit score below 600-toxic waste when it comes to credit. Finally, the dreaded "BK" or bankruptcy which usually entails ten long years in financial purgatory before your credit report fails to show the derogatory.
There are places you can go for help if there is trouble. The Navy Marine Corps Relief is always a good place to start for cash assistance. If you get into deeper trouble from a grumpy creditor, you could need legal protection. Examine the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the related state laws that apply to you (the specific acts I just mentioned are all federal i.e. national whereas the state laws are state by state). Quite often there will be a problem associated with creditor's efforts to collect on your debt. Do not under any circumstances fail to check with a credit attorney if problems erupt! Poorly educated humans are often managing the paperwork at the creditor's office and a good credit attorney can often smoke out an error-and all it takes is one. The Big Secret-if there is an error, your legal fees are always paid by the defendant-the judge has no choice. It doesn't take much to be a winner and you can clean up your credit report and possibly walk away with damages. Never mind that you are chasing a small amount of money or a simple record correction.
Your lawyer will be paid a reasonable rate on the hours spent and could walk away with $10,000 to $20,000 (a typical fee) for winning your case, all paid by the defendant. Note that I am not encouraging you to skip town on your debts-there is help waiting to protect you from critical cash shortfalls and abusive creditors. The rest is up to you-use but don't abuse your debt privileges. Your Golden Rule This has been a whirlwind tour through debt and I hope these basics have helped-there is much much more to know. If you are considering a financial course correction for yourself, give some thought to establishing this Golden Rule when it comes to debt-use debt for appreciating assets only-houses or your mind (education), but not vehicles that depreciate or groceries or dry cleaning or candy and cigarettes at your local gedunk.You remember the golden rule, right?


Millions are desperately looking for free federal government bailouts for credit card debt like those used for "too big to fail" banks. There really is total card debt relief for everyone but a better name might be "credit card bailout law." It is very easy to eliminate unsecured debt using a few simple legal moves all guaranteed by law.
The influence of modern banking institutions begins in the school systems were young students learn math basics which is not the way banks do their math and the truth is even suppressed on college campuses. Wouldn't it be nice if you could pull money from thin air like the bankers do? Actually you can but the best part is you can make it disappear back into thin air and that is the biggest secret of the entire banking industry! Making your card debt disappear is not some abracadabra magic trick; it's just a matter of wiping the slate clean using a simple federal law written back in 1966.

Download Question of Math 2009 National Exam for Junior High School

Package 1

  1. Download Question

The bankers' secret system is really quite simple. You get an application in the mail for a credit card, fill in the required information, drop it in the mail and the card company sends you a little plastic card which allows you to pull money from thin air just like the banker does it.
To keep this money from disappearing back into thin air, the card company sends you a monthly statement with some interest rate attached which could be as much as 30% or more and you in turn send your real money to the company keeping the wheels spinning and you in debt for the rest of your life. Use the search term "Frontline - the credit card game" to see how that part works.
When you decide you don't want to play the bankers game anymore and want your debt to vanish back into thin air, you follow a very simple legal process that does it. This process makes federal law kick in and you will have your bailout, or your debt relief whichever you prefer to call it. What it will actually do is make your debt disappear back into thin air where it came from.
You have now upset the banker by not playing his game and he will sell your account information to a debt collector for pennies on the dollar of what you allegedly owe.
Here is the federal law you will need to complete your bailout process. Use the search term "FTC debt video" to see the simplicity of this 1966 law which existed before credit cards. Handling collection phone calls is so easy, some people are actually making a fortune when collectors violate their rights. To see a couple of examples use the search terms "man wins 1.5 million in debt collection lawsuit" and "woman sues debt collector and wins eight million."
The last thing to do is to answer written collection notices with a demand for "proof of debt" sent to the collector by registered mail with return receipt. Under the old 1966 law is literally impossible for the collector to show legal proof that you owe him any money whatsoever!
It may be hard for you to believe a free federal government credit card debt bailout law from back in the mid-60s exists but you've just seen the proof. Will you use your legal bailout or keep complaining? Live life and have fun!


The field of education would be so much better off if these skills could be taught quickly in a college education class, and we can and do tell our new mathematics teachers that these are all necessary skills; but we all know there is a huge difference between knowing what to do and being able to do it. These skills take a very long time to develop. Some people are never good at task analysis. Skilled mathematics teachers are literally worth their weight in gold. It is not an easy job to teach kids and math comes in the category of confusing subjects for kids. You need to use some interactive ways to teach math to kids. In case your kid is finding it difficult to deal with numbers, then it is a better option to teach him math with the help of math and counting toys. This will make this subject more interesting for them and they will feel like learning it.

Download Question of Math 2008 National Exam

IPA Program

Package 1
  1. Download Question

Package 2
  1. Download Question

IPS and Religious Program

Package 1
  1. Download Question

Package 2
  1. Download Question
The toys will help them develop their skills in solving mathematical problems. You can find so many toys in the market that you can get for your kids and help them in learning math. It is very important to select such toys carefully for your kids. You should try to know what type of toy would be best for your kids. You should try to choose the best product that will help them in learning concepts of math and not just end up buying what is first thing available in the market. We are giving here some of the common and good toys that are available in the market that help kids in learning counting and other concepts of math.

Abacus: It is one of most popular toy and counting tool that is available in market. It is the best toy that has been used as counting tool for ages. It is best toy when your kid has just started to learn counting, like 1 to 10, 10 to 20, and 20 TO 30 and so on. This toy is very simple to use and kids find it very interesting as it is available in vibrant colors. They find it attractive and counting becomes a fun for them. The kids have to simply slide the objects while counting them. Kid will count the number loudly while sliding the objects and in this way, he will learn how to count.

Flash Cards: These are another popular way to teach kids not just counting but also associate them with pictures and hearing sense. This is a way of enhancing the imagination of the kids and teaching them in an effective manner about how to count different objects. They find it very interesting to count different attractive things like one house, two cows, three cats, four balls and so on. There are so many different kids of flash cards available in the market. Different types of pictures are used in these flash cards to make learning interesting for kids.
You can make learning math fun for your kids only when you choose right type of toys for them. You can find such types of toys at the toy shop near you or you can also search online for such toys. However, be careful in the selection of toys and choose the ones that are best suitable to meet the learning requirement of your kids.

Problem solving skills using math concepts can result in several winning strategies for your chess board game. In our last article we used several tips using math concepts for chess strategy. To refresh your mind on the first math concept, we stated that numbers never change. Think about the moves chess pieces are allowed. Each chess piece has a specific function and only moves in set patterns.
Specific chess piece moves you need to know. You can never move a King like a Queen moves. Therefore, since you can never get the wrong answer if you perform math problems correctly; you can never get the wrong move if you know exactly what move is allowed for each chess piece. The first step then is to learn the chess piece moves and then use your problem solving skills to develop a good chess strategy.


Mathematics is the study of quantity, structure, space, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns, formulate new conjectures, and establish truth by rigorous deduction from appropriately chosen axioms and definitions.

Through the use of abstraction and logical reasoning, mathematics evolved from counting, calculation, measurement, and the systematic study of the shapes and motions of physical objects. Practical mathematics has been a human activity for as far back as written records exist. Rigorous arguments first appeared in Greek mathematics, most notably in Euclid's Elements. Mathematics continued to develop, for example in China in 300 BC, in India in AD 100, and in the Muslim world in AD 800, until the Renaissance, when mathematical innovations interacting with new scientific discoveries led to a rapid increase in the rate of mathematical discovery that continues to the present day.

Download Question of Math 2009 National Exam - Program IPA

Package 1

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Package 2

  1. Download Question

There is debate over whether mathematical objects such as numbers and points exist naturally or are human creations. The mathematician Benjamin Peirce called mathematics "the science that draws necessary conclusions".Mathematics is used throughout the world as an essential tool in many fields, including natural science, engineering, medicine, and the social sciences. Applied mathematics, the branch of mathematics concerned with application of mathematical knowledge to other fields, inspires and makes use of new mathematical discoveries and sometimes leads to the development of entirely new mathematical disciplines, such as statistics and game theory. Mathematicians also engage in pure mathematics, or mathematics for its own sake, without having any application in mind, although practical applications for what began as pure mathematics are often discovered.

Reducing your calories-i.e. going on a restricted-calorie diet-is the key to losing weight; there are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Unless you reduce your intake below the number of calories that you need each day to maintain your current weight, weight loss is simply not possible (without a surgical procedure such as stomach stapling or liposuction). So the key to a successful weight loss program is to reduce your calories while you are trying to lose weight, and to eat no more than the calories that you need to maintain your weight once you have achieved your ideal weight.


Various exercises of the National Examination 2011 has been published by the site admin education primarily national exam sites. We see there are about 5-6 packets for each examination at every level of education where our exercises are very good and even better value because it is very nicely made by a team of professional instructors to consider the material lattice UN 2011, published by Kemdiknas.

On the site of the Math Courses, we publish a discussion about the exercise of UN 2011 for Vocational School (SMK), perhaps among you also there that do not have the training package we provide you also download the full linksnya to the success of UN 2011 in the country which we love.

Download Pembahasan Latihan Soal UN - Mathematics

Technical Program
  1. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 1
  2. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 2
  3. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 3
  4. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 4
  5. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 5

Non Technical Program
  1. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 1
  2. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 2
  3. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 3
  4. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 4
  5. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 5

Theory of Mathematics UN SMK 2011, Download

UN SMK is the National Examination is for secondary vocational schools (SMK) is one form of formal education unit that organizes vocational education at secondary education level as a continuation of the junior high level, or equivalent or other form of advanced learning outcomes are recognized as equal / equivalent SMP / MTs. SMK often referred to as STM (Technical High School). In CMS, there are lots of Expertise Programme.

In 2011 the UN SMK has been ascertained only 5 (five) subjects (maple) for the National Examination are:

Vocational Theory, and
Vocational Practice


Various exercises of the National Examination 2011 has been published by the site admin education primarily national exam sites. We see there are about 5-6 packets for each examination at every level of education where our exercises are very good and even better value because it is very nicely made by a team of professional instructors to consider the material lattice UN 2011, published by Kemdiknas.

On the site of the Math Courses, we publish a discussion about the exercise of UN 2011 for Junior High Schools (SMP/MTs), perhaps among you also there that do not have the training package we provide you also download the full linksnya to the success of UN 2011 in the country which we love.

Download Pembahasan Latihan Soal UN - Mathematics

  1. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 1
  2. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 2
  3. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 3
  4. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 4
  5. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 5
  6. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 6

Theory of Mathematics UN SMP 2011, Download

UN SMP is a designated National Exam for SMP and MTs. Middle school (junior abbreviated; UK: junior high school) is a basic education in Indonesia's formal education after primary school (or equivalent). Middle schools are within 3 years, starting from grade 7 to grade 9. In the academic year 1994/1995 to 2003/2004, this school was called junior high school (junior high).

9th graders are required to follow the National Examination (formerly Ebtanas) that affect students' graduation. Junior high school graduates can continue their education at upper secondary school or vocational high school (or equivalent).


Various exercises of the National Examination 2011 has been published by the site admin education primarily national exam sites. We see there are about 5-6 packets for each examination at every level of education where our exercises are very good and even better value because it is very nicely made by a team of professional instructors to consider the material lattice UN 2011, published by Kemdiknas.

On the site of the Math Courses, we publish a discussion about the exercise of UN 2011 for Elementary Schools (SD/MI), perhaps among you also there that do not have the training package we provide you also download the full linksnya to the success of UN 2011 in the country which we love.

Download Pembahasan Latihan Soal UN - Mathematics

  1. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 1
  2. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 2
  3. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 3
  4. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 4
  5. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 5

Theory of Mathematics UN SD 2011, Download

Starting the academic year 2007/2008, the Ministry of National Education (MONE) enforce the National Standard School Final Examination (UASBN). The purpose of this UASBN was to assess the achievement of national competence in the eyes of a graduate teaching Indonesian Language, Mathematics and Natural Sciences (IPA). In addition, to encourage the achievement of targets compulsory quality basic education.

Those who will participate in this test, is learners who learn in the last year in elementary education units, Government Elementary School, and Elementary School Special (Blind, Deaf, lightweight and Tunalaras quadriplegic). Learners should also have a full report on the assessment of learning outcomes education units by semester 1 last year.

For the 2007/2008 academic year there are 5.2 million participants who will participate in UASBN throughout Indonesia. The number of 184,000 was derived from SD / Government Elementary School, SD Extraordinary. The amount of this, of course requires the preparation, supervision until will get the results as a benchmark to be used by the Education Ministry. This exam will take place in May.

UASBN results will be very useful for education, because it involves four things: First, the mapping quality of programs and / or educational unit. Secondly, the basis of selection into the next education level, the third determination unit graduation of students from basic education and the fourth into coaching and providing assistance to the educational unit in an effort to improve the quality of education.

Of the four UASBN results, it will be clearly visible with our quality of basic education throughout Indonesia. Quality basic education is able to determine the quality of further education. From the results it also will appear, where the education units that need to be assisted for their quality could be improved.

Therefore, there should be no coercion or uniformity UASBN graduation criteria that are not in accordance with the decision of the school. According to the Chairman of the National Education Standards Agency Djemari Mardapi, regardless of the minimal value is determined by the school, then it must be accepted by the local government. Well, by granting authority to the respective graduation criteria - each school is, as an effort to obtain the desired mapping from the UASBN to be fulfilled. Because that's how the actual conditions of each - each elementary school will be visible.

Unfortunately indeed, still there is a tendency of some areas that are uniform minimum value of graduation with a reason to reach the target of 100 percent graduation. In fact, there is also suspected that the school determines the minimum value is very low. This, though still acceptable, but will backfire in the future, because the school will not get the trust of the community.

Similarly, the intervention of the Regional Education Office is trying to create uniformity for the sake of chasing a target of graduation, will only make the quality of education in the area would not be visible. Because after all, each school has a graduation rate based on the quality of diversity in the schools concerned.

Graduation from school, have their own procedures. Criteria are determined by the board meeting to consider teachers with a minimum value of each subjects tested with an average rating of all three subjects. This clarifies the position of schools and teachers who have authority in determining the graduation of students.

Indeed, in a matter of UASBN, not all made by the organizers UASBN at the provincial level, but shared with the center. There are about 25 percent of the National Agency for Education (BNSP), and the remaining about 75 percent comes from about UASBN organizers based on the specifications of the school year 2007/2008 which is set by BNSP.

While the questions are assembled and selected by BNSP, can be developed and managed by the National Education Research Agency. While the matter is determined by teacher representatives from each district have been trained.

But the claim arose, how about supervision? Will the leakage problem can occur? How to avoid fraud is highly likely to occur? This is where the role of supervision to be very decisive. Not just for the sake of mere oversight, but to maintain the image quality of education and education itself.

Department of Education has determined that for the control, all delivered to every penyelangara UASBN at central, provincial, and district / city hinggga Branch Office of Education / Technical Executive Unit District Association in accordance with the duties and kewenagannya. While the exam room surveillance, conducted by a team of supervisors UASBN.

Cooperation in this matter of oversight, even done in stages, is expected to decrease the incidence of fraud. If any kecurang occur, the possibility can quickly revealed because the supervisors come from UASBN own supervisor who has the integrity that is not in doubt.

Confidentiality matter has been made since the matter is made and entered kepercetakan. To duplicate a matter, conducted by the provincial printing company established by the organizers UASBN provincial level in accordance with the provisions of laws - laws. That is, any possibility of cheating will get sanctions as already governed by laws - laws.

To process the results UASBN, can only be done by the organizers of the scanner system UASBN provincial level by using rating systems and standards that have been defined BNSP. The results of this pengelolahan, will be archived at the Center for Educational Assessment on Research and Development Board Ministry of National Education. Later, as a sign of graduation, each student who participated in this exam, will receive the Certificate of Results UASBN (SKH UASBN) issued by any school or madrassa.

The success of the implementation UASBN this time, further education is crucial. Therefore, this method will be used also for education in junior and senior high schools, which applies nationally. So this school UASBN initial step before heading to the next step which will be used at all levels of education.


Various exercises of the National Examination 2011 has been published by the site admin education primarily national exam sites. We see there are about 5-6 packets for each examination at every level of education where our exercises are very good and even better value because it is very nicely made by a team of professional instructors to consider the material lattice UN 2011, published by Kemdiknas.

On the site of the Math Courses, we publish a discussion about the exercise of UN 2011 for SMA Program Social Science (IPS), perhaps among you also there that do not have the training package we provide you also download the full linksnya to the success of UN 2011 in the country which we love.

Download Pembahasan Latihan Soal UN - Mathematics

  1. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 1
  2. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 2
  3. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 3
  4. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 4
  5. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 5
  6. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 6

Theory of Mathematics UN SMA 2011, Download

National Education Minister Mohammad Nuh said with a new formula that evaluates student learning komprhensif for three years, UN polemic that appears each year is expected to be stopped. "We will have more focus on what needs to be done or repaired from the UN," said Noah.

Chairman BSNP Djemari Mardapi said passing between the UN assessment and learning outcomes in schools are no longer mutual veto, but they can help each other. To that end, the UN assessment combined with the value of school.



Various exercises of the National Examination 2011 has been published by the site admin education primarily national exam sites. We see there are about 5-6 packets for each examination at every level of education where our exercises are very good and even better value because it is very nicely made by a team of professional instructors to consider the material lattice UN 2011, published by Kemdiknas.

On the site of the Math Courses, we publish a discussion about the exercise of UN 2011 for SMA Program Religious (Keagamaan), perhaps among you also there that do not have the training package we provide you also download the full linksnya to the success of UN 2011 in the country which we love.

Download Pembahasan Latihan Soal UN - Mathematics

  1. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 1
  2. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 2
  3. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 3
  4. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 4
  5. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 5
  6. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 6

Theory of Mathematics UN SMA 2011, Download

Students' graduation from the school by looking at the combined value of the plan was pegged at least 5.5. The combined value is a combination of UN values and school values for each subject the UN.

The formula offered by the government for the combined value = (0.6 x the UN) + (0.4 x value of school). School values calculated from the average value of school exams and semester report card values 3-5 for each subject the UN.


Various exercises of the National Examination 2011 has been published by the site admin education primarily national exam sites. We see there are about 5-6 packets for each examination at every level of education where our exercises are very good and even better value because it is very nicely made by a team of professional instructors to consider the material lattice UN 2011, published by Kemdiknas.

On the site of the Math Courses, we publish a discussion about the exercise of UN 2011 for SMA Program Languages (Bahasa), perhaps among you also there that do not have the training package we provide you also download the full linksnya to the success of UN 2011 in the country which we love.

Download Pembahasan Latihan Soal UN - Mathematics

  1. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 1
  2. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 2
  3. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 3
  4. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 4
  5. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 5
  6. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 6

Theory of Mathematics UN SMA 2011, Download


Various exercises of the National Examination 2011 has been published by the site admin education primarily national exam sites. We see there are about 5-6 packets for each examination at every level of education where our exercises are very good and even better value because it is very nicely made by a team of professional instructors to consider the material lattice UN 2011, published by Kemdiknas.

On the site of the Math Courses, we publish a discussion about the exercise of UN 2011 for SMA Program Natural Science (IPA), perhaps among you also there that do not have the training package we provide you also download the full linksnya to the success of UN 2011 in the country which we love.

Download Pembahasan Latihan Soal UN - Mathematics

  1. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 1
  2. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 2
  3. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 3
  4. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 4
  5. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 5
  6. Solutions Drill of Mathematics Package 6

Theory of Mathematics UN SMA 2011, Download

Similarly, the changes revealed in the socialization of UN policies implemented Academic Year 2010/2011 the Ministry of National Education (Events Calendar) and National Education Standards Agency (BSNP) in Jakarta, Thursday (17/12).

These activities in addition to socializing also ask for input about changes to the UN from the local education district and college have memgang tinggi.Pemerintah memnag new formula. However, before it was officially established, the government and ask for input from local BSNP whether changes in the implementation of the UN in 2011 could be well received.



Parents and Teachers should communicate with each other on a frequent basis. They should assist the students in learning the proper mathematics skills. Parents can play an essential role in improving their children's performance by regularly communicating with the teachers. They can work with the teachers to solve their children's problems.
There are many tuition centres in Singapore. Some specialize in the training of both primary and secondary school students. The secret to the high achievements of the tuition centre can be accredited to the qualified teachers, holistic training and attention to the individual child's performance. The teacher to student ratio is kept at a maximum of ten students to one teacher.

Download Theory of Matematika SMP Exam 2011 according to grid UN 2010/2011

The tuition centre also offers extra holiday tuition for the various subjects in the different training camps.
At the primary level the centre trains in math based on the Singapore curriculum. The students are taught critical thinking and problem solving techniques. The qualified teachers approved by the government ministry will teach the students basic mathematical topics such as decimals, geometry, statistics, ratios and percentages. They will also train the students in strategies, secrets and the various shortcuts and heuristic methods in problem solving. The extra tuition in math will aim at assisting the students to excel in this subject. The tuition centre aims at having A* students in the subject, given their model of training. There have been outstanding performances in the past, and the education centre prides itself in the excellent pass marks for all their previous students.
The secondary math students are trained using the GCE "O" and "N" level curriculums. The students are trained in such areas as algebra, functions, ratios, geometry, trigonometry and its applications. Emphasis is also given to critical thinking, problem solving techniques and non routine problem solving heuristic methods. Mathematics is seen as more than just a subject but a solution to the various problems affecting mankind. The students are prepared to see the wider scope in the application of mathematics to the day to day problems of life.
Both in Secondary and primary level English the students are prepared to know how to compose using the English language. Emphasis is also given to the comprehension of the English language and the use of grammar and the various vocabularies. The students are also trained using the cloze passage techniques. The students are taught how to communicate and express themselves both vocally and through writing by using the English language. The tuition centre prides itself in having produced excellent marks in the English subject exams nationally.
Science subjects are vital since they help the pupils to relate to various things in life. Students in the centre are taught about the various cycles such as the reproductive system and the water cycle. The students are also enlightened on the various systems such as the blood circulatory system. The centre aims at stimulating interest in science among its students for them to blossom to their full potential.
The tuition centre strives to excel in all fronts whether in Science, English and mathematics subjects. The education centre has excelled in preparing the students in the past and hopes to achieve better grades in the future with every student maximizing their potential.
If you are passionately building your business you must learn to build it strategically rather than by accident. Whether you are building your business full time or just investing a few hours a week, the strategy you use is important.


The field of education would be so much better off if these skills could be taught quickly in a college education class, and we can and do tell our new mathematics teachers that these are all necessary skills; but we all know there is a huge difference between knowing what to do and being able to do it. These skills take a very long time to develop. Some people are never good at task analysis. Skilled mathematics teachers are literally worth their weight in gold. It is not an easy job to teach kids and math comes in the category of confusing subjects for kids. You need to use some interactive ways to teach math to kids. In case your kid is finding it difficult to deal with numbers, then it is a better option to teach him math with the help of math and counting toys.

Theory of Matematika SMK Exam according to grid UN 2010/2011

  1. Download Theory for SMK Non Teknik
  2. Download Theory for SMK Teknik

This will make this subject more interesting for them and they will feel like learning it. The toys will help them develop their skills in solving mathematical problems. You can find so many toys in the market that you can get for your kids and help them in learning math. It is very important to select such toys carefully for your kids. You should try to know what type of toy would be best for your kids. You should try to choose the best product that will help them in learning concepts of math and not just end up buying what is first thing available in the market. We are giving here some of the common and good toys that are available in the market that help kids in learning counting and other concepts of math.
Abacus: It is one of most popular toy and counting tool that is available in market. It is the best toy that has been used as counting tool for ages. It is best toy when your kid has just started to learn counting, like 1 to 10, 10 to 20, and 20 TO 30 and so on. This toy is very simple to use and kids find it very interesting as it is available in vibrant colors. They find it attractive and counting becomes a fun for them. The kids have to simply slide the objects while counting them. Kid will count the number loudly while sliding the objects and in this way, he will learn how to count.
Flash Cards: These are another popular way to teach kids not just counting but also associate them with pictures and hearing sense. This is a way of enhancing the imagination of the kids and teaching them in an effective manner about how to count different objects. They find it very interesting to count different attractive things like one house, two cows, three cats, four balls and so on. There are so many different kids of flash cards available in the market. Different types of pictures are used in these flash cards to make learning interesting for kids.
You can make learning math fun for your kids only when you choose right type of toys for them. You can find such types of toys at the toy shop near you or you can also search online for such toys. However, be careful in the selection of toys and choose the ones that are best suitable to meet the learning requirement of your kids.
Problem solving skills using math concepts can result in several winning strategies for your chess board game. In our last article we used several tips using math concepts for chess strategy. To refresh your mind on the first math concept, we stated that numbers never change. Think about the moves chess pieces are allowed. Each chess piece has a specific function and only moves in set patterns.
Specific chess piece moves you need to know. You can never move a King like a Queen moves. Therefore, since you can never get the wrong answer if you perform math problems correctly; you can never get the wrong move if you know exactly what move is allowed for each chess piece. The first step then is to learn the chess piece moves and then use your problem solving skills to develop a good chess strategy.


Mathematics or often called Math is a subject that studies the concepts of quantity, space, structure, and change. In learning this subject, people will also be taught how to analyze patterns, conjectures, and probabilities. It is a very important field of study that most of its concept can be implemented on daily life. But many people find it very difficult to learn or hard to understand. Because of these reasons, many people don't feel like to studying it. Nowadays, there is a great fun way to learn this interesting subject; cool math games.

  1. A Brief Theory of Mathematics UN SD
  2. Content Guide Mathematics UN SD
  3. Problem Specification Mathematics UN SD
  4. Simulation Problem Mathematics UN SD
  5. Summary Material Mathematics UN SD

These games are designed to make Math learning process to be fun and decrease people's fear and worry of finding it difficult. It is a fact that when people have to study it through formulas and numbers, people find this learning process to be daunting. Lots of people even give up before they start to learn it just because they complicated formulas and lots of numbers on the books. That is why these games are well developed in certain ways to enable them learning this subject in a fun way. These kinds of games are available on internet for unlimited options. The approach that is being used is different from conventional learning process. Instead of giving people complex formulas to be understood, the approach is giving people the opportunities in indirectly learning and understanding the formulas through various kinds of games that vary on the difficulties and the form.
There are several benefits with this approach; first, these games help people to understand Math concept with an entertaining games tasks so that they don't only improve their skill but also other knowledge. Second, the games come in simple instructions that make them easy to understand the rules of the games and also give chance to use their logic. Third, the games come in different level of difficulties and different form so that they can learn the subject one level after another. When they are able to pass one level, the difficulties will be increasing. The variety of form games options are also giving many choices so that they won't feel bore when they study and play at the same time. Some options that they can play while enhancing the skill are Puzzles, Graphical Quizzes, and Flash Cards; all are available for free on internet. Those cover almost all concepts like Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mathematical Analysis, Trigonometry, Calculus, Discrete Mathematics.



Mathematics is the study of quantity, structure, space, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns, formulate new conjectures, and establish truth by rigorous deduction from appropriately chosen axioms and definitions.
Through the use of abstraction and logical reasoning, mathematics evolved from counting, calculation, measurement, and the systematic study of the shapes and motions of physical objects. Practical mathematics has been a human activity for as far back as written records exist. Rigorous arguments first appeared in Greek mathematics, most notably in Euclid's Elements. Mathematics continued to develop, for example in China in 300 BC, in India in AD 100, and in the Muslim world in AD 800, until the Renaissance, when mathematical innovations interacting with new scientific discoveries led to a rapid increase in the rate of mathematical discovery that continues to the present day.

There is debate over whether mathematical objects such as numbers and points exist naturally or are human creations. The mathematician Benjamin Peirce called mathematics "the science that draws necessary conclusions".Mathematics is used throughout the world as an essential tool in many fields, including natural science, engineering, medicine, and the social sciences. Applied mathematics, the branch of mathematics concerned with application of mathematical knowledge to other fields, inspires and makes use of new mathematical discoveries and sometimes leads to the development of entirely new mathematical disciplines, such as statistics and game theory. Mathematicians also engage in pure mathematics, or mathematics for its own sake, without having any application in mind, although practical applications for what began as pure mathematics are often discovered.

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Reducing your calories-i.e. going on a restricted-calorie diet-is the key to losing weight; there are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Unless you reduce your intake below the number of calories that you need each day to maintain your current weight, weight loss is simply not possible (without a surgical procedure such as stomach stapling or liposuction). So the key to a successful weight loss program is to reduce your calories while you are trying to lose weight, and to eat no more than the calories that you need to maintain your weight once you have achieved your ideal weight. That's where fiber comes into play, because it helps you to reduce calories in four compelling ways:

1. Fiber curbs your appetite, helping you to reduce your intake.
2. Fiber actually helps reduce absorption of calories from the food you eat.
3. Fiber-rich foods are low-energy-density foods.
4. Fiber slows down your body's conversion of carbohydrate to sugar, thus supporting blood glucose stability to help you lose weight.

That's quite a combination. Now you understand why fiber is considered a miracle ingredient when it comes to losing weight. Imagine-one ingredient halts hunger, reduces calorie intake from the food you eat, helps stabilize your blood glucose (and so reduces overeating), and allows you to eat plenty of food that is low in calories and high in nutrient-rich disease fighters.



There are several tips that students can follow that will help them improve their scores on math tests. Students should identify the problems that they definitely know how to answer, and they should identify those which will be more difficult to solve.
It is important for students to manage their time and work by the clock. It is best for students to start with the problems that they are sure they can answer easily. This will build confidence and ensure that they don't run out of time before answering the easier questions. If students are having trouble answering a problem, then they should move on to another question. It is not a good idea to spend 15 minutes on one problem that may not yield any points if there are other easier problems to answer. After answering the problems that are easier to solve, they can go back to the ones that will take more time to answer.

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It is usually a good idea for students to show their work, even if the test or teacher does not require it. This makes it easy for the teacher grading the test to see how much a student knows. Even if an answer is incorrect, some math teachers will assign partial credit based on the work that students show. If students do not have enough space to write down their work on the test page, then they may want to put their work on another sheet. Students should not erase their work if they think that it is incorrect. They can simply draw a line through the work that they want ignored. Not only does erasing waste time, but students may later discover that they erased something useful.
When working on a multiple-part math problem, it is a good idea for students to outline the steps before actually working the problem. Solving the other easier parts first may help them figure out how to complete the part which was giving them trouble. Finally, when students finish a math test early, they should check over their answers. Following these tips can help students maximize their math test scores and improve their grades.


There are several colleges online that offer undergraduate and advanced degree programs in science and math. At these schools, you can earn a degree relatively quickly as long as you make a commitment to your course of study and apply yourself when doing the work.
Online courses are convenient and flexible. You can attend your classes on weekends or late at night as you work toward your degree. The colleges may also offer tutorial programs or let you consult with mentors if you are having trouble with the work.

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Ellis College offers online degrees in science and math. Its degrees are designed for each individual student. Financial assistance is provided, as well as tuition repayment plans. The school offers the tools of the New York Institute of Technology to help its students.
Ashford University also offers online degrees in science and math. The school was founded in the early 1900s and has served students well to this day. It is designed to help individuals who have not completed their degrees elsewhere. The school says it has the lowest fees of any college on the Internet and offers a flex-pay plan. Students can earn degrees at their own pace. Unlike traditional schools, it offers its services 24 hours per day and will help you manage classes while working at your regular job.
Ashford University offers a Master's degree in Business Administration, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Organizational Management, and a Master's degree in the Arts of Teaching. There is financial assistance available, including Stafford loans, Federal Plus, and federal Pell grants. Keep the Pell Grant aid in mind because many online schools do not offer this type of aid.
Pell Grants are designed for low-income students. Those who qualify can use the grants to attend school without paying monthly fees because the grant is issued by the federal government. Universities rarely offer help with the federal Pell Grants, but if you are struggling with finances, these grants provide good resources.
There are many issues to consider when thinking about getting a degree online. The schools online are helpful in getting students some type of financial aid, including scholarships and grants. When applying at an online school, look for institutions that will provide assistance through Pell Grants and/or scholarships.
Most schools will help applicants go through the loan application process. Make sure you consider all the aspects of your education when considering an online college, including the kind of degree you want, the school's history, financial aid, and grants.